Saturday, January 16, 2010

some songs just make too much sense.

if we'd only stayed together

i might not have fallen apart

but the words you served destroyed my planet

i stall before i start

i stall before i start anything at all

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


i'm a week late but screw it anyway. if there's one thing i learned last year it's that i shouldn't alway have to be the one reaching out and making plans with people, striving to make things happen. no longer. if you want to hang out with me or do something, awesome. go ahead and call me or text me. make it happen. otherwise i'm not going out of my way. i've made some great friends here but i've also learned that some people can be incredibly toxic whether they know it or not. i would know, i'm guilty of it too. and that can be changed if the friendship is meant to happen, but sometimes people just need to find out the hard way.