Tuesday, June 9, 2009


this blog just started and i don't know who will read this as i'm only posting the link in one place at one time. so kudos to you for finding my "diary" of sorts.

a warning: this will sound bitter. but really it's just five years of frustration coming out in text form.

i'm sick and tired of seeing people post pictures and updates about their precious little happy lives with their significant others and how he or she is the "most (insert overly gratuitous adjective and relation to person combo here) ever!!!!". i have nothing against those people in particular, i'm just tired of it being shoved in my face. yes of course we all want to have a perfect hollywood love story and live out the rest of our days without a care but it just doesn't work that way for some of us. i've been in love 4 times in my life and only one of those times the person loved me back in that way. it sucks to have a 25% success record. it makes me feel like shit and like i'm doomed for all eternity to play the best friend/brother role to whomever i end up falling for. that role isn't necessarily bad, just gets frustrating when it happens time after time and you want something more. i've got no one to blame but myself though.

watch any episode of futurama and just watch fry and leela. you'll know exactly what i mean by this.

updates to this blog will happen. i don't know when, i don't know what about. for all i know i might let it sit and forget about it for two years but stay tuned anyway...


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